
We have technical capabilities across diverse range of specialist environmental, ecological and social disciplines.

ARGO provides a broad range of environmental, ecological, social science, engineering, project and construction management, and information and data management services for all phases of project development – from pre-project planning, through to implementation and evaluation.

Key areas of expertise are below.

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Project Planning, Permitting & Reporting

For the last three decades ARGO has managed environmental planning, permitting and implementation of projects across a wide range of sectors, from very small projects to large-scale development projects. 

ARGO prepare resource consent applications and associated environmental and social assessments, undertake project environmental and social risk analyses, and provide high-level strategic environmental and regulatory permitting advice, working closely with design engineers, contractors and consenting authorities.

ARGO has extensive national and international environmental legislation experience, particularly in New Zealand, Fiji and Pacific Island nations.

Key services ARGO provide include:

  • Project managing major environmental regulatory permitting projects.
  • Preparing Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIAs), Assessment of Environmental Effects (AEEs) and associated application documentation.
  • Developing and overseeing the implementation of Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring Plans (ESMPs).
  • Providing strategic environmental and social permitting advice. 
  • Establishing Environmental Management Systems (ISO 14001).
  • Conducting pre-hearing meetings, and appearing at Government and Council hearings and Environment Court.
  • Assisting with RMA Policy Development.
  • Undertaking environmental audits and due diligence.
Planning & Permitting Projects
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Environmental & Social Monitoring

ARGO has the technical expertise to undertake a range of environmental, ecological and social monitoring, including carrying out survey design, data collection, sampling, data analysis, and identification utilizing advanced technology, survey techniques, and qualitative and quantitative research.

Key services ARGO provide include:

  • Water Quality Management:
    • physico-chemical water quality monitoring and analysis
    • dilution and dispersion studies
  • Air Quality, Noise & Vibration
    • ambient dust and gas monitoring
    • noise and vibration monitoring
  • Coastal Processes & Oceanographic Investigations.
  • Freshwater and Marine Ecological Surveys
    • macroinvertebrate sampling and analysis
    • fish surveys
    • habitat quality assessment
  • Terrestrial Ecological Surveys
    • flora and fauna identification
    • habitat assessment
  • Social Surveys
    • socio-economic baseline surveys
    • land use and resource surveys
    • social impact assessments
    • recreational and fishery surveys
Monitoring Projects
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Research & Analysis

ARGO is proficient in a range of technologies and research methods that enable us to undertake effective and efficient collection, integration, analysis and visualization of environmental and social data, particularly in remote and challenging locations.  

Our team carry out advanced geospatial analysis to better understand current environmental and social conditions, predict future changes, identify risks and opportunities, and facilitate superior decision-making.

We utilize technology that allows us to work seamlessly across geographies, and maintain close and productive communication with clients and team members, regardless of location.  Further, we have built local capacity across New Zealand, Fiji and the Pacific, enabling us to conduct research and analysis quickly and very cost effectively. We have successfully employed these technologies in circumstances where physical travel has not been feasible.

Key services provided include:

  • GIS data capture and photo imagery including drone aerial photography, orthophotography and mobile data capture.
  • Geospatial analysis, modelling, visualization,  and development of web-based GIS platforms and applications.
  • Geodatabase design, development and management.
  • Environmental and social risk and constraints analyses.
  • Hazard and climate change vulnerability mapping.
Research & Analysis Projects
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Stakeholder Engagement & Capacity Building

ARGO is experienced at undertaking inclusive and meaningful stakeholder engagement and consultation consistent with the cultural and social norms and values of the local communities.  We have a large network of consultants who can consult in a range of languages including English, New Zealand Maori, Fijian, Tongan, Samoan, Gilbertese/ Ikiribati, Tuvaluan, Niuean, Marshallese, Kosraean, Pohnpeian, Chuukese, Yapese, Palauan and Chamorro.

ARGO engages with project stakeholders throughout New Zealand and internationally, including Government and regulatory agencies, institutional stakeholders, and a diverse cross-section of community stakeholders.

ARGO also provides a range of environmental management training, skills development and capacity building services to clients to strengthen in-house technical capabilities and to increase the likelihood of projects being implemented in a sustainable and robust manner.   

Key services ARGO provides include:

  • Identifying stakeholders and developing communication strategies, frameworks and plans.
  • Undertaking stakeholder engagement and consultation.
  • Consulting with communities, including Tangata Whenua partners and other key stakeholders.
  • Developing Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) Plans.
  • Facilitating and mediating meetings and workshops.
  • Providing environmental management and monitoring training.
  • Institutional gap analysis and capacity building.
Stakeholder Engagement & Capacity Building Projects
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Design & Drafting

ARGO has in-house capability that provides creative and practical solutions to environmental and social issues, including climate change adaptation, flood hazard management, coastal erosion, stormwater quality improvements, stormwater management and utilization, combined sewer overflow management, wetland restoration, forest restoration, marine and reef systems restoration and fauna habitat restoration.

Using the latest hardware and software ARGO provides the following services:

  • Geospatial analysis and mapping.
  • CAD Drafting.
  • 3D rendering and visualisation.

Design & Drafting Projects
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Project & Construction Management

ARGO has completed a wide range of civil projects from for local and central government agencies, international funding agencies and the private sector. These range from very small community lead projects to very large iconic multidisciplinary/ consortium projects in the stormwater, wastewater, infrastructure, roading, aviation, marine, coastal and environmental sectors.

Projects competed are in a diverse range of locations including New Zealand, Fiji, Kiribati, Federated States of Micronesia, American Samoa and Myanmar. 

ARGO has extensive experience in all aspects of project implementation, including scoping, project planning and programming, investigations, surveying, consultation, design, drafting, procurement, contract administration, construction supervision, quality assurance/ control, monitoring and auditing.

ARGO is proficient in carrying out project and construction management services to international best practice. This includes working with standards adopted across the globe including American, British and Australian/ New Zealand standards such as ASTM, AASHTO, BS and AS/ NZS. In addition our consultants are adept at working with contracts and specifications utilized by our diverse clients such as the World Bank (WB), Asian Development Bank (ADB), New Zealand Ministry of foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT), Australian Department of Foreign Affair and Trade (DFAT), Taiwan Bank and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). 

Our consultants are experienced dealing with the challenges associated with successful implementation of projects in remote locations and in complex circumstances. All our consultants have a very good understanding of the social, cultural, political and economic factors of the countries where our projects have been completed.  

Project & Construction Management Projects
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Information & Data Management

ARGO has over 30 years’ experience capturing, managing and analyzing information and data.

We capture and store information utilizing the latest technology and techniques to ensure that the data is accurate, up to date, complete and robust. 

This information can be provided to the client and stakeholders in real-time, enabling the information to be utilized quickly and easily.

Argo uses the latest hardware and software to interrogate and display data, further simplifying data analysis and dissemination.

Key services provided include:

  • Asset surveys, topographical surveys and as-built surveys.
  • Topographic and bathymetric surveys.
  • Asset inspections and condition surveys.
  • Flora, fauna and habitat surveys.
  • Social surveys, polls and questionnaires.
  • Geospatial analysis and mapping.
  • Creation of geodatabases and hub-site applications. 
Information & Data Management Projects